Thursday, October 29, 2015

Christmas in October!

Like many music teachers, the holidays always start early for me.  I sometimes shake my head when I see some of the big chain stores getting Christmas trees and other holiday decorations out with the Halloween candy.  Meanwhile I'm just as guilty!  My 3rd graders are singing songs like "Old Abram Brown" and "Skin and Bones" in the first 10 minutes of class and learning songs about winter and holiday cheer in the last 10 minutes!

We have officially begun the holiday season in my elementary music classes, especially for the 3rd graders, who are the main performers at our annual Carol Sing (what we call our holiday assembly).  It has been the practice for the last few years in my schools for each 3rd grade class to learn 2 songs that they perform for the whole school.  After selecting the songs, I write a story/script based on the songs and the theme of the show that the students read.  I have done everything from a Pirate Christmas to a show based on healthy eating and exercising habits!  

This year the students at Mill Road Elementary will be presenting a show with a western theme and students at Bainbridge will be performing a show based on a super hero theme!  It's always a creative work out for me to bring the school theme, selected music and story together into our carol sing performance and this year is no exception!

 Since choral experiences aren't offered until 4th grade in our district, the 3rd grade Carol Sing performance may be the first experience many of my students have with performing in a choral setting. I love seeing the excitement on the 3rd graders faces when we start preparing for the Carol Sings. Many students are already making plans to create a costume or choreograph different sections of the songs!

For my parent readers, you can stay up to date on important Carol Sing information through my website links for the Bainbridge Carol Sing and Mill Road Carol Sing.

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