I am so happy to be meeting with my Up Beat! preschoolers again! Our 2nd 10 week session of our preschool music program started on February 14th. Naturally, many of our activities were Valentine's Day and love themed!
With a few new faces in our group, we started with or regular "Hello" song and then introduced all of the children with the song "Do You Know My Valentine" (sung to the tune of "Muffin Man"). We sang the song "Time for Music" and pointed to 8 valentine hearts to show our steady beat.
The children also love showing their steady beat with movement scarves and I was overjoyed when several of our new friends echoed some of the melodic patterns we were working on!
The children loved guessing who I loved during the song "Love Somebody". Let's see if you can guess one: The one I love is red, with black spots and has 6 legs.... Love my ladybug, yes I do!
We read the books "The Ballad of Valentine" by Alison Jackson and "Skidamarink" by Jacqueline East, all before our "Good Bye" song.
This week the weatherman and I did not coordinate well, but I'm not going to complain! The preschoolers engaged in many snow related activities including reading "When Winter Comes" by Nancy Van Laan and "Owl Moon" by Jane Yolen. We danced and froze like snowflakes and even built a snowman out of musical instruments! After "melting" our snowman, we used the instruments to work on our steady beat to the song "Snowman Drum" (aka "Aiken Drum").